Please fill out our form and we will contact you as soon as we receive it. Thank you.
Please provide as much information as possible in order to provide you with a proposal service and estimate.
Company Name(required)
Your Name(required)
Phone Number:
Email (required)
Zip Code:
Type of Commercial Space:
Number of Private Offices:
Number of Restrooms:
Type of Service: ---Deep clean serviceGeneral Cleaning MaintenanceDay porter serviceJanitorial serviceRestroom cleaning and disinfectingWindows cleaning:Move In/Out cleaningPost/remodel construction clean upGarage & sidewalksPressure washerSpecial Event Services.
Type of Floor Cleaning and Care: (To Select Multiple types of floors: Hold Ctrl button and Select multiple types of floors) ---Tile & Ground CleaningStone CleaningStrip & WaxSealing floors
Carpet care: (To Select Multiple types of floors: Hold Ctrl button and Select multiple types of floors) ---Carpet CleaningArea Rug CleaningPets odor control
How often would you like a service? one timeDailyOne of other dayEvery weekEvery 2 weeksEvery 4 weeks
Preferred Days: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Preferred time: MorningAfternoonOffice After Hours
Type of Floor:
Wood: 25%50%.75%100%
Carpet: 25%50%.75%100%
Title & Grout: 25%50%.75%100%
Terrazzo: 25%50%.75%100%
Marble: 25%50%.75%100%
Travertine: 25%50%.75%100%
Concrete: 25%50%.75%100%
Other: 25%50%.75%100%
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